
Join The Movement

It is 2016 people!!!  If you are on ANY social media (and have a beating pulse) you are witnessing a movement of strong women entrepreneurs on a mission to create massive income while living a life by their own design.  Im talking stay at home moms, women trying to find any escape from their 9-5, wives trying to create passive income so their husbands can have more face time with the family and in general WOMEN with big dreams making the things they want in life happen.  I am especially a GIANT supporter in any mom, wife or independent women using the network marketing model to grow their own business.  

>>>  NOW with that said

Im also feeling the fake presence of un guanine "invitations" to host parties, or have found myself part of numberless "product groups" on Facebook without even knowing i was added!  I paint that picture because I know I'm not the only experiencing this right?  I believe there is only one right way to represent your product and invite others to join you on your journey.  Its as easy as being yourself, NOT your product.  

My health and fitness entrepreneurship began at a time in my life where my husband and i were facing incredible infertility debt and i was growing increasingly tiered of my job doing hair behind the chair.  I spent most of my free time admiring these "bloggers" and self made women doing their jobs beachside and having lunches and playdates with girlfriends.  I was falling into a life of envy feeling increasingly trapped in my day to day life.  And so when the opportunity presented its self, I took a chance on a business model that would gave my my fittest and healthiest life to date while allowing me the platform to LOVE the crap out of people and help see them thru their journeys of health and fitness.

You are who you spend the majority of your time with and you are what you repeatedly do!  My life today is filled with strong, healthy, goal oriented women who are my cheerleaders in my business.  My drive and motivation comes from being apart of this "tribe."  We are a club with doors opened wide waiting to welcome like minded ladies ready to take a chance on themselves.  

Each month I personally work with new "challengers"  on their health and fitness journeys while also personally mentoring new "Pretty Strong" coaches who wish to do much the same.  A decision to join ANY network marketing family is something to seriously ponder about and consider.  Because at the end of the day, it may or may not be a right fit for you, but also how will you ever know if you don't ever give it a try?  

To be considered please fill out the form below.  We will be in touch soon and will work together to see if this opportunity is the right fit for you.  

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