
About Me

Hello everyone!  I'm Lauren a hairstylist and health and fitness coach living just outside Salt Lake City, Utah with my husband Andy and a new crazy little puppy Tucker.  

Pretty Strong has been built to be a creative outlet and space for learning and growth.  This is where I can connect with YOU and help you on your way to a new health and fitness lifestyle.  

Some things you need to know about me....

I am a faith first, family centered kind of gal.  Over the last 3 years we have walked incredibly deep waters with the confusing diagnosis of unexplained infertility.  Everyday as a family we learn to lean on our faith, and friends for support and part of my message revolves around having a resilient spirt to achieve your dreams. 

I am NOT nor claim to be a health expert.  I did not go to school for this, but I have, just like many of you, tried countless dieting and workout programs which have failed me terribly.  In finding Beachbody, and in particular Shakeology, I feel I have struck gold and have made it my mission to bring others to these programs. 

I am a LIFER!  What is a lifer?  One who has a mission to always be learning and always growing.  This life is about making mistakes and using those mistakes as a way to learn and better ourselves.  Lifers want to surround themselves with likeminded people, and that is exactly what I have set out to do as a health and fitness coach.

I am a dreamer, and among the many ideas I dream up on a daily basis, living a beautiful free life tops the list.  I dream to have the freedom to take on the adventures life presents without limitations of income or physical ability.  I have so much to do in this life and won't let anything hold me back.

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